Special Thanks
Asha Bansal for the logo design
Dr. Amina Sarah Henni for her review of podcast content, and involvement in supporting the project in numerous other ways.
Mike Li for the website pictures
The SOS AMS (Save Our Supply Antimicrobial Stewardship) podcast brings you brief evidence reviews on major infections that contribute significantly to antimicrobial use in clinical practice, all in under 30 minutes. We explore key topics like distinguishing infection from non-infectious mimickers, a microbiology and antibiotics primer, AECOPD, CAP, HAP, Cellulitis, UTIs, Intraabdominal infections, Sepsis NYD, and Bacteremia. Working through learning objectives, we review the pathophysiology of these conditions and best evidence in management, and apply principles learned to patient cases. Written by an ID AMS pharmacist, reviewed by ID AMS physicians, and co-hosted with an ER nurse, these podcasts bring a Canadian AMS perspective to commonly encountered infections.
Need access to the Clinical Decision-Making Matrices and References mentioned in our podcast? These can be accessed by the podcast's hosted Google site.
Sunday Sep 25, 2022
Sunday Sep 25, 2022
Sunday Sep 25, 2022
In this next episode of the SOS AMS podcast, our hosts lay a foundation for future podcasts by outlining the most commonly encountered microbes in clinical practice, and the antibiotics used to treat them. They then apply this knowledge of microbiology and antibiotics by rationalizing the guideline-suggested antibiotic treatment of various different infections. Relevant references can always be accessed via the hyperlink.
The learning objectives for this episode are as follows:
Recognize commensal flora of different physiologic regions of the human body.
Understand the link between the human microbiome and empiric antimicrobial selection.
Describe some general trends for antibiotic coverage of gram positive and gram negative organisms.
Rationalize the guideline-suggested empiric therapy for different infections using knowledge of the human flora and antimicrobial spectrum.
Stock Media provided by raspberrysounds / Pond5
Sunday Sep 25, 2022
Sunday Sep 25, 2022
Sunday Sep 25, 2022
The first episode of the SOS AMS podcast focuses on general clinical topics in AMS, such as discerning when a patient has improved clinically and is appropriate for stepdown to an oral antibiotic, and developing a differential diagnosis for perceived non-response to antibiotics. Our hosts Julia and Nicki explore key clinical features and patterns for distinguishing antibiotic failure from a source control issue or from a non-infectious mimicker of infection in patients who are not responding to antibiotics. The principles discussed are applied to two patient cases at the end of the podcast. Relevant references can always accessed through the provided hyperlink.
The learning objectives for this podcast are:
Identify which clinical features generally point to safe oral stepdown for patients with infections
Compare the clinical features that point to antibiotic failure vs. source control issue vs non-infectious mimicker in a patient with apparent antibiotic non-response
Apply knowledge of these principles to 2 patient cases.
Stock Media provided by raspberrysounds / Pond5
Asha Bansal for the logo design
Dr. Amina Sarah Henni for her review of podcast content, and involvement in supporting the project in numerous other ways.
Mike Li for the website pictures